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> L23 asking more meta questions on what exactly it's nature is and questioning if it can be 
eeeyup I have asked those questions mostly because I didn´t know where the author wanted to land with this concept

> As I said this concept isn’t mine, so I can’t take any credit for it. I’m not even necessarily a “big fan” of the Fall of Equestria Universe, the unrealistic plot of most of these stories just set off my autism.
well, whatever you feel like writing at the moment, otherwise it can become quite complicated to write about stuff by forcing yourself. Still, it´s nice to be humble about not being the one who has created the universe. I will say that the universe is alive because of those who care about it despite not having the ownership, so to an extent you are guilty that is still relevant in some way.

> It’s supposed to be a romantic story written in an extremely dark setting. Obviously the NSFW aspects of the story are going to be extremely central to the plot, but they aren’t going to be the driving force behind the story, if that makes any sense.
> A lot of the NSFW stuff, especially the more kinky stuff is more of a plot point, rather than the whole plot.

that´s what I wanted to hear. Alright then, I know where you are going with this one. It has a lot of merit that you want to take it to a higher level in the narrative so it doesn´t only stay in a level of degeneracy but also accomplishing the standards of a proper story with this development. I appreciate that gesture from yours even though I admit that is even more complicated to appeal to an audience than writing a SFW story directly (as far as I am concerned)

> It’s not porn, it just so happens to have a lot within it. There’s a subtle, but important difference.
yeah I know but most of the time, when sex is involved, it normally takes the route for appealing the fetishists with a complementary story, nothing else. However, I do know that women get more excited by reading books of dominant males than watching a picture/video about the act itself.

> this story is set in the heart of the beast, within Canterlot Castle where the rulers of this society and it’s culture are most prominent. Also the proportion of NSFW content will probably be a lot smaller than you would think. It’ll probably only constitute 20-33% of the story, but we’ll have to see.
this means that you can add layers like how corrupt the rulers are, how the system works, etc....yeah, you are going to have a lot of material to write about with that premise.

> I plan to just include tags on the chapters that have NSFW work content within them, so people can just skip to the fun stuff if that’s all they’re interested in. 
alright, nice organization there

> Although personally I only read “clop” stories that have good plots, or at least setups. I don’t know why, but pure clop-fic with little to no plot just don’t interest me. I surely can’t be the only one.
I get why the setups for explaining a NSFW picture expand the emotion of feeling it, slowly building up until the climax (with a proper narrative that makes enough sense) but yeah, I agree with your words. Clop-fics are just a little bit of waste of time and honestly, one would rather use other sites or spend that time drawing it than reading it. Still, I am not all that invested in that part nor I do not know how the trends work on FIMFiction but I suppose that you can find fics of all kinds right there.

> My story is going to be at least 100,000 to 200,000 words long, so it’ll probably take [i]a lot[/i] longer than two days
daaaaaaaaaamn lad, that´s quite long and definitely you cannot write all that stuff in just one single weekend (unless you spend 7 or 8 hours completely dedicated to it). You have to be quite passionate to write that, I don´t feel like going that far and most likely, I would go in parts.

> I tried that, unfortunately it didn't work. 
try with a normal Derpibooru image (png or jpg) and try again because it should work.