> This is some A-grade autism.
But seriously, I’ve read fan fictions that are five times as long. 100,000-200,000 is average for what I read.
> Dis sound weird to someone not familiar with the show
> Are they slowly replacing the poners or something?
Basically everything this guy said >>/4760/
It only got really bad post season 7. Just under half of season 8’s episodes are mainly focused on non-pony characters, and a lot of the other episodes still have non-pony characters playing some role. These 6 https://youtube.com/watch?v=nOw-c9gpQUc were brought in at the premiere of season 8, and since then they have been pretty prominent, being some of the most important, if not most important characters in both the season 8 premier and finale. Changelings, Dragons, etc have also been given a far more prominent role.
They’ve started to use phrases like “everycreature” instead of everypony to be more inclusive. https://youtube.com/watch?v=cf3fde24SwY Basically the shows old writers left and they were replaced by SJW’s who couldn’t care less about the shows past, using it to push their diversity agenda. Many of the episodes featuring non-ponies are blatant propaganda.
> I will say that the universe is alive because of those who care about it despite not having the ownership, so to an extent you are guilty that is still relevant in some way.
Thank you!
> I appreciate that gesture from yours even though I admit that is even more complicated to appeal to an audience than writing a SFW story directly
Again, thank you!
> However, I do know that women get more excited by reading books of dominant males than watching a picture/video about the act itself.
Weird, I’m much the same. I’ve always found that reading a good romantic fic gets me way more horny than looking at any picture of pony pussy.
> this means that you can add layers like how corrupt the rulers are, how the system works, etc....
That’s obviously going to be an important part of my story, but I don’t plan to invest too much time into it. My story is mainly character driven, building a fleshed out consistent world around that is essential if I want to keep things grounded and realistic, but I don’t want to lose track of the stories actual plot. In my opinion the best world building should happen naturally within your already existing plot, you shouldn’t need to devote whole sections of your story just to world building, there’s usually a good way you can work it into the plot.
> Clop-fics are just a little bit of waste of time and honestly, one would rather use other sites or spend that time drawing it than reading it.
I find it extremely hard to get invested into a clop-fic unless it contains good characters, preferably with some nice romance. I personally love reading it, but I can’t read pure clop, there has to be some kind of plot or interesting set of characters revolving around it, and there rarely is in a clop-fic.
> daaaaaaaaaamn lad, that´s quite long and definitely you cannot write all that stuff in just one single weekend
Who said anything about a weekend? I was planning on writing it out over months.
> damn and changelings were added in season 2.
My bad, I thought they were introduced in the season 3 premiere, not the season two finale.
> Just curious, when did you stop watching the show and in which season?
Early season 2. I’ve been autisticly obsessed ever since. How about you Anon?