What is this bussiness with MLP comics being season 10?

Now, I say, on the one hoof it is nice to get some stuff after season 9. Though this does make me question. Can I take this as cannon? Can I regard post season 9 questions awnsered here actually awnsered? I don't know. I know they have said the comic is canon unless it contradicts the show  and somethings from the comic have found their way into the show, but generally the plotlines haven't touched even ones that don't contradict the show still have call backs to ones who don't or would be hard to reconcile. Specifically, this from the interview catches me attention.
> Q: So I actually have another question for you. Is the series you're going to want to take place within the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, comic book series straight from IDW, or is it going to be its own separate comic book series.

"BC: We're going to keep the same numbering. I, personally, really want to get to that hundred number. We're close to it, so why not do it. We want to make it clear to retailers that, who've supported the series, that you keep coming to the same place. It's not a jumping off flip point , but we are going to be clearly branding it on the covers and in publicity and media that this is season 10, that this is the place to go to get the continuing stories of Twilight and all of our other favorite ponies."
It's looks to be more of a branding maneuver. So... I wonder how this is all going to work. Will this still make comic canon call backs to stuff that doesn't fit? Even then some things could get weird with stuff like the parallel  universes and some implications from the issues I have seen. Though perhaps I am not at a state where I can render a judgment since I haven't followed them religiously.