thumbnail of old_meme.jpeg
thumbnail of old_meme.jpeg
old_meme jpeg
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> yeah, that sounds fairly reasonable but still, it´s up to what you feel like doing on this place in the end. 

Had something happen so yeah, it actually is easier on me.

> So yeah, there is time for this and we have arrived before the finale airs officially in the US. So, we are not definitely arriving late at all in comparison to the rest of the fanbase despite having Endchan shutdown in August. 

We are doing pretty good  knock on wood!  I feel like regardless what happens, we where here for the full end of FiM!

> the animation errors always deliver really funny thoughts....I would feel weird towards that pic as well

I wonder if that counts as an error or something that is proper under the principles of squash and stretch, it's a mid movement awkward frame still. I just happened to pause it there and found it funny.

What idea?

> 2BH I think it's that because, even if your fandom were mostly degenerate manbabies and other oddballs it's always been a presence in my life somehow someway for awhile. You aren't the first I've shitposted with though it is far less hostile than others. 

I get this with other things, though

>  maybe a little 

pic related