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I have just watched these two episodes again and it seems that I am not going to have a big trouble reviewing these ones because they are both amazing and deliver a good time. We were worried about the quality dropping before this season and ending in a bad note but it has become visible that the show is going to leave us behind with standout fireworks in the slice of life department at least. Growing Up is Hard To Do >>/4747/ > This is another good episode. I would say exemplary for its premise. > I enjoyed seeing the CMC as adults and thought they were designed pretty well. Not over deigned or bland and generic. as far as I am concerned, I do notice that the adult designs do a real favor to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom (especially the former) while Scootaloo, while fine to my eyes, doesn´t stand out that much to me. Still, I agree that their designs felt pretty natural from the very beginning, so no problems here. > The CMC saw adulthood as not something vested with responsibility but as something that granted them agency to do want they wanted, with a secondary lesson in maturity not always aligning with age in the case of Spur in her reluctance to taking Boofy to Appleloosa County Fair and with a little help taking control of the situation > but it's the treat of seeing the CMC as adults and strength of the characters is all it whats puts this into good territory. I want to add a little bit more of depth. I have watched in the past, several cartoons that developed an exaggerated story for the characters involved, getting the plot into really outlandish situations.I appreciate this episode a little bit more because everything here has felt pretty organic, the problems the CMC have had to face are no exception from anyone else They have exposed with Being Big Is All It Takes the advantages of reaching that age yet I have had that fear of the show going to an extreme route of disgrace for them. However, the problems they have faced were realistic. All the advice that the big sisters (AJ, Rarity and RD) were shown in some way later down the plot (while building up the plot device) and the two major problems were: getting lost and not being responsible enough of your own actions. That´s it, the plot didn´t go that far in the change and it simply showed what the growth implies. Sure Luffy causing chaos to Appleloosa was a chaotic one but it was easy to solve and it could have been prevented with a proper advice and I love that gesture of not getting too out of hand (unlike the old Spike abuse episodes) just because the CMC were illusioned about going to the fair. Also, another little detail was how little surprise Fluttershy and Twilight showed in their reactions towards this peculiar situation (they have seen a lot of things since TS came into Ponyville so this proves how experienced they are) I admire how this episode fixes those mistakes from the past and how everything flows correctly,nor too dramatic nor showing adulthood like a pinkish thing,just simply facing a plausible problem that could have happened to anyone else. This lack of forced extreme situations leaves more space for the message to shine > they almost seemed too immature for their character development and this point but we have seen them bicker over the last couple of seasons in a still pretty childish manner along with the (a little bit) forced plot device, they have shown their childish dreams during the fair, I agree. However, I do believe that it shows how true Walt Disney was: "Your dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." It doesn´t mean that adults cannot have fun (in fact, they were having fun in this modernized town of Appleloosa) but I do believe that it makes sense that the writers strengthen that childish mindset in favor of exposing that lack of responsibility.. > Being Big is All it Takes was probably one of the stronger songs the CMC have had in the later seasons (but it still pales in comparison to Babs Seed!) it was solid,I cannot argue with that > 8.4/10 I could raise a little bit more the score