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> I have some minor questions on the CMC ages after this episode, as I would think they had them sort of in tween territory with plots of their independence and changing interests from childish things. Yet here we see too lanky ponies behave in such a way that's still too young for all but an 13 year old yet say the CMC are younger then them (CMC = 9 10ish Spur and Biscuit = 11 13ish?) Not a big deal but it is something that has some small implications with this and the way the CMC acted being slightly more like younger kids than where I thought they had they implied the CMC had aged too.
they have aged though just that the episode (it looks like I am the advocate for the writers) has focused more on the fact that they haven´t assumed their circumstances. They have grown up and they didn´t take badly intended decisions for the problem created and they have tried to fixed it for themselves as well (other characters could have committed that mistake as well). 

Spur served as a reference of taking more care about the decisions and serve as a role model for the CMC to follow. Sure, they were teenagers and the age isn´t all that big but Spur had more knowledge about Luffy´s nature than the CMC had. These are little details to point out but I do believe that the CMC have shown signs of maturity in the ending by acknowledging their young age or their little circles before taking a decision. Despite their mistakes, they haven´t acted stupidly nor have left the logic aside, I am simply interpreting that the writers have wanted the price of going so far with their dreams at the expense of getting past of other relevant factors.

> Twilight Sparkle doing a magical study for a friend? What it this season 2?
considering her nerdy nature, I wouldn´t be surprised at all.

> Wishing flower is a small but cool element. Even if it never appears again it could still be fun to mess with in fiction. (Reminds me of the wishing plant from the obscure star wars ewokes cartoon, though obviously that probably had no influence on it)
like the truth amulet in Daring Doubt,these are really juicy objects that can lead to interesting plot devices
> Sweetie Belle was extremely rude to herself
eeeyup, the self criticism came the hardest from her own character (ironically enough, she was the one whose VA changed the voice the most because the change in age)