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well, there you have it.It´s finally here.

> one of the few things that has been relatively consistent in the series on magic was the implication that teleportation was a vary high level feat. I do not think it was till season 5(?) that we had not seen anypony else teleport besides Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Sunset Shimmer. 
wow, you have really taken notes in this regard. I do see it as something really inconsistent to judge and except for highly advanced spells of power or something really visible in terms of energy, I cannot wrap up my mind at all for this topic. Honestly, I haven´t spent my thoughts on this and much less having the ability to justify my opinions towards it to other anons.

> From an in universe perspective what does this mean? Does it mean Sweetie is magically gifted? Has she been shown to have done anything beyond a some latter season moderately advanced feats Rarity did before (though perhaps Rarity maybe more of above average and not a benchmark for what an average unicorn could do with skill).
there are little stories that we don´t know and keep in mind that a few years have passed in that universe. I can say that SB stopped claiming herself as a kid to Rarity in Forever Filly. I am trying to justify a magic topic with a mental development but I suppose it could serve you as a reference if you are all that invested at guessing when she learned this.

> There is a possible cannon path with the whole somewhat vague "magical power is based is on what you feel" but still sense visiting that there has been both implications of feats based on skill and someone who is naturally powerful/gifted in the show. Maybe their is some instance I'm missing but from what I can recall this is still pretty surprising given what all we know and have seen.
yeah well, the emotions do come into play for this and not all the ponies reach the levels that we are used to seeing in this show.

> The out of universe reason: I just think the show staff wanted to have Sweetie Belle teleport.
without going further than inconsistent lore, I believe that having Sweetie Belle as an adult, the fact that she felt like using magic in an emergent situation and the little detail that she touched her own horn after casting that teleportation spell (probably hurting her a bit)... it seems like a plausible moment to bring that spell onto her character.