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> Though that ending though was beautiful, but the tone of it gave me a melancholy feeling that I almost couldn't stand. Which is probably what it was supposed to do. The whole wedding and the symbolism of lose ends being tied and things coming to an end and also a certain perspective on life that I'm not sure I want to go into and gives me a certain feel on the real end of the show
> Still cool that they actually squeezed the wedding in there.
the words that one could express from those last minutes are priceless. While it´s not the biggest impact that this show has offered to me (the CMC getting their cutie marks in the 5th anniversary still has the crown), it surely serves as a great reminder of how magical this show is.Moments like these are what you wouldn´t expect from a show of this kind and getting these feelings is what attaches one fan to this show so profoundly in an unexpected way. Hitting right in the feels isn´t an easy task but FiM has celebrated it for one last time (at least), wrapping the last chapters of this gen. Simply wonderful. 

> None the less it was a good episode: 8.9/10
to me, I cannot rate it lower than a real highlight for this season. 

> So, we say goodbye to the last completely normal episode of the show. In a way, do to the fact it was the last episode it may not count as the last normal episode do to the fact that it is the last and had a bit of an air of finality to it. Oh man, you won't believe how emotional I feel right now, and this isn't even the real final!
for now, it was worth watching this material and commenting about these emotional thoughts is kind of complicated. I would rather respect the personal attachments that one can get from this show. Even if the finale manages to disappoint us, they have managed at least to really touch the hearts from the community for one last time, right at the 9th anniversary since the show´s premiere was released.

> Different creatures in nature to the ones in issue 32 33 of the comics there is certainly similarities between the two, to the point where it would surprise if they hadn't taken any influence from the this comic arch.
oh I didn´t know that.....nice.

> Granny Smith's dreaming Star Trek related adventures also was another thing that I loved. Makes me want to write something based on it.
going through outer space with the characters who have voiced in Star Trek....this cannot be a coincidence. I wonder how she has managed to dream that. Did she take a manipulated drink or something by accident? No way she gets to sense these dreams and then having the ability to tell them so clearly. 

> Ms Cake played a background roll but had a lot more lines than we've seen in awhile. When is the last time her husband has any lines?
she has indeed played a big role for the standards of her character. Whenever one could think that the traditional characters are forgotten because of the newer ones, you get Octavia getting spoken lines, Snails and Snips getting a second spotlight because of a sport and Mrs Cake for putting the stamps that Sugar Belle has ordered to her...

I can see why Mrs Cake has got more lines than her husband historically speaking and that´s because of the VA. She is voiced by Tabitha so considering how relevant and diverse she is for this show, having her for another episode that doesn´t require Luna nor Rarity does not look like a problem at all in this regard. It´s a technical justification but it could perfectly come because of writer´s ideas for not using her husband.