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>>/4765/ > Basically the shows old writers left and they were replaced by SJW’s who couldn’t care less about the shows past, using it to push their diversity agenda. Many of the episodes featuring non-ponies are blatant propaganda. I don't see a grand organized agenda with season 8. I see several interests and intentions pushing and pulling on the show. I do think Neighsay was at least partly conceived a reaction to the writers having their jammies rustled by Trump's victory and the increased partisan environment, but even here it is the most lightest cream of on top of the democrat partisan pie. If he had been played straight as a villain then yes, that would be blatant. The fact they made him redeemed may actually count as a SJW sin, as it ruined him as a stand in for orange man. Student 6 on their own didn't really go past the same vague "Racism is bad" messaging that the show has already done. I think the political angle was more of a subtext that was an influence rather than a context that was blatant in your face. Cozy Glow and her realization that friendship = power and could be weapon was the bigger thing in the final of season 8 with the Neighsay learning that the other races aren't bad/a threat being a secondary lesson. I'd call it blatant propaganda if Nieghsay had been the villain and they made other stand ins as figureheads for a evil right wing view who all got beaten by the student 6 with the perhaps mane 6 themselves finding out that they were a bit racist themselves . I just consider it an influence that was there but not realized to much of anywhere. Can you still be mad at that? Sure. everycreature is just stupid .Writters on twitter saying "we really showed Drumpf there" is just idiot framing. You know what I do consider closer to blatant propaganda? Using Dragons as a stand in for racial police issues and having an election with Filthy Rich as stand in for Trump and Mayor Mare for Hillery in the comics. Also, I consider the framing by SJW and some /POL/ reactions that happened around Scootaloo's aunts to be worse than anything that happened in S8. Though right now I just I'm tired of politics and wouldn't want to derail the thread. I'm just offering my two bits.