> I could laugh and call you a newfag
I’m a 8chan /pone/ refugee. Ha ha, I actually made this thread the day after the site was shut down. I was going to make it the day before when I originally got the idea for it, but I couldn’t be bothered, and then I obviously heard that the site was being shut down. I upload it to /mlpol/ and /mlp/ instead. I didn’t know about this place up until a few weeks ago, and then I remembered that I saved this thread in a document.

> blatant propaganda
I don’t know if you’d call it “blatant propaganda,” but I don’t think you can doubt the fact that the inclusion of non-pony characters in Equestria changes not only the tone of the show, but Equestria itself. It seems like everything is being bent out of place to accommodate them when they have no rightful place in the story to begin with, especially the student 6, most of which hardly even have a character worth talking about.

> My biggest problem with the setting isn't the presence of other races as much as the breakdown of distance between places.
I’d agree with this. My problem isn’t necessarily the inclusion of other races in the show itself, but in Equestria. For example I enjoyed the handful of episodes that explored places like Griffonstone and the Dragonlands, but there’s a big difference between the odd adventure themed world building episode, and inviting non-pony characters into the main cast, by creating a whole Friendship School just for them. Phrases like “everycreature” only rub the problem in ones face.

> Some of the season 1 era fics have an especially interesting feel. We knew so little of the world then and it just feels so interesting to read them and see what little lines we run with and what small implications we had.
This is 90% of the reason why I hate season 8 and 9 so much. Season 9 actually had a lot of really great episodes, but it might as well have been titled “season 9, the ultimate destroyer of fanon,” and from what I’ve heard of the finale it only gets worse. It ruins countless possibilities for future fan-fictions and makes a lot of older fan-factions irrelevant. Especially at the end of the series this is the last thing I want to see, it’ll stiffen any future fan content as a whole.

> black alicorn OC.
No, I was thinking of creating some kind of extremist political group, with Unicorn as their leader, who knows, possibly even Blueblood.

> I've dived into about 100,000 to 300,000 but I don't think I've ever completed the million word plus club, only peaked. 
The longest I’ve read was either the Griffon The Griffon series, or A Wolf Among Ponies, which are both about 700,000 words long.

> Funnest stories, though I'm thinking more of adventure fics here, that I've had is when the world feels big and the character was exploring it but not going through world building manically,
This series is by far the best world building series I’ve ever read. Introduces completely original concepts and creatures and actually fleshes them out naturally, (the mechanics, logic, culture, etc, it delves into everything, and does it without distracting you from the story) as well as building on the shows own concepts. I highly Suggest you at least read the first fic, and of course I’ll look through your links.

