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> I’m a 8chan /pone/ refugee. Ha ha, I actually made this thread the day after the site was shut down. 

I meant more in a newfag to endchan over a newfag to imageboards in general.  if you posted pre our migration then you are technically hyper oldfag by /endpone/ standards 
 assuming the thread earlier was you. 

> . It seems like everything is being bent out of place to accommodate them when they have no rightful place in the story to begin with, especially the student 6, most of which hardly even have a character worth talking about.

I'm withholding my full judgment on them to the end, so I'll get back to you on this one.

> but there’s a big difference between the odd adventure themed world building episode, and inviting non-pony characters into the main cast, by creating a whole Friendship School just for them.

Also this too I'll be back on after processing the final myself. 

> Season 9 actually had a lot of really great episodes, but it might as well have been titled “season 9, the ultimate destroyer of fanon,”

I remember some hate both joking and serious around season 4 with a similar angle. It's something I feel is partly going to happen in any story that goes on long but there is a partial aspect where I agree with you.  Though ironically  the biggest part of hate on the final from on the one spoiler I saw I'd say maybe opposite of destruction of fannon. 

> No, I was thinking of creating some kind of extremist political group, with Unicorn as their leader, who knows, possibly even Blueblood.

I wasn't saying that your idea was black alicorn OC tier, I was saying that the if the Caribou carried that kind of edgy stigma then it could be a good idea to switch them. 

> I highly Suggest you at least read the first fic,

One the one hand it looks like something I'd avoid and or only read out of passive curiosity but sure I'll check it out (had to git those high marks from doing something right).

>  and of course I’ll look through your links.

They are just both links to the same fic. It really is more of an example of the feel of the old season 1/early season 2 days then something I was recommendation.  

> The longest I’ve read was either the Griffon The Griffon series, or A Wolf Among Ponies, which are both about 700,000 words long.

Seems like I may have read a couple of series that are around that length. Longest individual fics have usually been around 300.000 to 400.000 at least from what I can recall.