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> It's over,this generation is truly over and the book has decided to write its last page,closing it by the back of it. There isn't more space for anything else,everything has been written and any attempt to change completely useless

AUs can still be fun, but yes.

> This means that when does the ride truly end? Let me tell you that if people doesn't want it to end,it won't end because of those who wanted this franchise to stay alive for 6 seasons more than expected (including a movie and a spinoff).

I don't want it to end either. I tell you this. I'm not sure if the fandom will maintain its current level, I'm not sure if one of the piller sights will shut down, but I tell you, if the tiny pre-gen4 adult fandom could maintain too forums with daily postings to this day then somewhere out there our fandom will survive. Another thing? I sort of played this song and dance before, with the one other fandom I felt attached to as a community... Bioicle. It ended, well, I think nearly 10 years ago and to this very day their are still fan projects being made, from 3 hour stop motion movies to revivals of old bioicle games,  though tbh, I consider our skills subpar and amaturish in some of this  . Even had a questionable short lived reboot. If that fandom can still be making stuff then our fandom certainly will!

> And I am glad that we have been alive for watching and living this magical moment. It's finally happened and we never thought that we could reach the actual ending. 

Again, season 8, season 9, considered realm of fan fiction. I remember around season 6 seeing FlimFlamFilosphy (guy who made rainbow dash presents and Mentally Advanced Series) shocked the show got renewed. I remember in 2012 seeing a fic about all of us leaving on the spaceship to the real equestria and people attitude that "it sure be awesome if the show could last that long!" And it did. God bless L23, live long and prosper, because we got past that mark!

> One should feel proud,giving ourselves a hug because there are fans who have sadly died during this ride/decade and haven't had the chance to see this final episode unfortunately.

Oh man, I remember hearing of a few back in 2013... 
Yes certainly.