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> It depends on how one holds things. You can't stand to see it go, yet you are glad that it made it over the finishline. You can't tell sadness from happines and I'm still trying to figure everything out.
eeeyup, basically I would be repeating myself by replying in this way to you. That language of dealing the emotions is universal. This proves that life can be beautiful as well even if sadness is  socially seen as a negative thing to deal with.

> why not? It's the final, might as well go all out
Twilight Sparkle has become the spiritual successor of Goku. It would be piss easy for her if nothing personal for her played a role in a critical battle. She´s an expert in this regard.

> that night however my mind was abuzz, I couldn't get it out of my head that tommorow was the end. 
ah dammit. You did strong your emotions must have been right there. By simply that gesture, one can notice who the actual fan is, even if it´s a stranger that stays anonymous. You can tell that spirit just by reading this.

> This show has been there in the background since at least mid 2011, I remember slowly getting into it after reading the fanfics, and though I don't have an exact timeline eventually finding and the rest. 
> Since then it has been one of the only pieces of media I watch and kept track with. It got me to try things I didn't think I would ever do and got me to protect the characters that me and my brother created when we were young. So much has gone by with it still there. Three who eras of my life. So it's freaky that it is finally closed the book. 
not only freaky but also really haunting whenever one manages to read such personal thoughts exposed towards this innocent show. Going back to /mlp/ only intensified this feeling of being surrounded of humans desiring to tell and expose to the world how this show has impacted them in their lives.

You have lived with it for almost 8 years and while you didn´t have the first contact with the show itself, it surely grew for getting attached to this brand. You joined because of the fanfics...I joined in because of the comments from a top 10, laughing at the comments between bronies and antis.

And I share with you that MLP has stayed as one of the few pieces that I have cared for all this decade. I haven´t watched a single episode of Game of Thrones, I have only seen the first season of Breaking Bad and I have stayed quite ignorant towards huge hypes despite knowing them on a surface level. Would any of us have expected to last this´s haunting how many things have occurred yet we are closing this gen with the end of the decade.....dammit.

> It was a time to get in such a state.
so it´s no wonder that I stayed up that late.