I thought episode 17 was a lot of fun. We had some actual character development for Twilight - I can't remember the last time that happened other than 
> wings
Discord was a dick as always, but he wasn't too bad in this episode. Seeing more of the villains working together was fun too, and the episode kept stuff more subtle, simply showing us how they kept the bird off their trail rather than pandering like usual. My only gripes would be that the castle guards are way too retarded, and that Twilight used a really stupid-looking electric style mic rather than using a megaphone or just speaking up a little, there weren't that many people there.
this pretty much nails it. I'd probably bump it down to 9/10 myself, just because the scoring is relative to what went before, but all the same this is the first time in a while that I've enjoyed this show this much.