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*become irrelevant towards

> blatant propaganda? Using Dragons as a stand in for racial police issues and having an election with Filthy Rich as stand in for Trump and Mayor Mare for Hillery in the comics. Also, I consider the framing by SJW and some /POL/ reactions that happened around Scootaloo's aunts to be worse than anything that happened in S8.
Thanks Bridgefag, thank you so much. Reviewing The Last Crusade was,well, an actual crusade for reviewing it because of that stupid noisy yet politically driven reactions from both parts. I had to review Between Dusk and Dawn and Rainbow Roadtrip first before getting into that episode properly. The comic,I simply didn´t pay attention to it nor it deserves to be seen on a high regard at all. I prefer focusing my time on Nightmare Knights or other interesting SOL stories/arcs rather than giving my attention to it. It doesn´t even deserve any fame, nor attention nor sales because of its intentions. 

> Neighsay was at least partly conceived a reaction to the writers having their jammies rustled by Trump's victory and the increased partisan environment, but even here it is the most lightest cream of on top of the democrat partisan pie. If he had been played straight as a villain then yes, that would be blatant. The fact they made him redeemed may actually count as a SJW sin, as it ruined him as a stand in for orange man. 
Neighsay played the role of looking like the main villain and one doesn´t get a solid ground of being one. Besides, he has appeared in the season 9´s finale as a main leader for unicorns so he was actually at the service of Celestia and Luna. He wasn´t an actual villain....but an actual rival/antagonist who wanted to prove that he was right in front of Twilight. He simply had to eat his words because of what we had seen in School Raze.

> didn't really go past the same vague "Racism is bad" messaging that the show has already done. I think the political angle was more of a subtext that was an influence rather than a context that was blatant in your face. Cozy Glow and her realization that friendship = power and could be weapon was the bigger thing in the final of season 8 with the Neighsay learning that the other races aren't bad/a threat being a secondary lesson. 
Not to mention that Cozy Glow, despite expecting that she was evil, nobody expected that she came up with all those plans without even knowing Neighsay. The chancellor was another obstacle for her in the end and the actual racism/elitism came from the ponies instead of the obvious unicorn.
> I'd call it blatant propaganda if Nieghsay had been the villain and they made other stand ins as figureheads for a evil right wing view who all got beaten by the student 6 with the perhaps mane 6 themselves finding out that they were a bit racist themselves. I just consider it an influence that was there but not realized to much of anywhere. 
The chancellor had a pretty reasonable point of view.One could say that he was like your average conservative BUT there were actual reasons to believe so. Ponies have been racist in the past (hello Briddle Gossip!) and he´s just a clear representation of those views. He had fears towards the other species and while hippogriffs and griffons didn´t have reasons to be treated with those thoughts, his reasons can be justified because of the attack from the changelings in Canterlot, the dragons menacing the ponies in the Dragon Lord´s race or the yaks almost declaring the war to the mane 6 in Party Pooped. So that SJW propaganda isn´t all that clear to me and  it opened more about topics like racism,bureaucracy and diplomacy come into the discussion, entering into grey areas.In the end, he didn´t aim that far except for excluding the "pony education" to the students.  

>  everycreature is just stupid.Writters on twitter saying "we really showed Drumpf there" is just idiot framing. 
considering that this show was created by a feminist who encouraged watching Ghostbusters 2016...those tweets that you mention are the usual standards that one can expect.