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> everycreature sounds cringe
thanks for reporting the obvious. Take a shot every time they say that though and there you have a good drinking game.

> I watched a purple horse become a tragic goddness or something
that´s Twilight Sparkle and yes, she has been a princess since season 3. Just that they put her the body of Celestia so it completes the circle at replacing her. 


> biggest problem with the setting isn't the presence of other races as much as the breakdown of distance between places. It always was unclear but now everything feels like a day trip away and I certainly feel nostalgic for the more localized adventure. Some of it was bound to happen with time, like unexplored areas getting explored, but if there is a dynamic I miss there.
yeah, even the updated map is somewhat confusing despite having the names of those places (mostly). One wonders how hippogriffs or griffons travel all tat far yet they arrive at the center of Equestria in the blink of an eye yet a trip to Canterlot on train seems to take hours (or even an entire day). That flaw is constantly present during all this gen. 

> I lean towards ponies over other races too.
this but
> still like other races
I´ve got to mention that the other species have become "more ponified esque" lately and while ...
> These 6 were brought in at the premiere of season 8, and since then they have been pretty prominent, being some of the most important, if not most important characters in both the season 8 premier and finale. Changelings, Dragons, etc have also been given a far more prominent role.
> Basically the shows old writers left and they were replaced by SJW’s who couldn’t care less about the shows past, using it to push their diversity agenda. Many of the episodes featuring non-ponies are blatant propaganda. can see the students as propagandistic characters, the truth is that the leaders were the ones who got convinced of accepting the ponies and becoming more like their model. Look at the change that dragons have had from Dragon Quest to Sweet and Smoky, from acting like cool kids from the 90s to even struggling to face Fluttershy and win over her convictions. That change was made because of Ember and Spike. Yaks? The patience and diplomacy that Pinkie has had towards them. Changelings? Thorax is the main guilty and the game changer of everything...except that Spike guided him first (with Twilight´s approval) and then, Thorax had help from Star Light and Trixie. Hippogriffs? Skystar welcomed the mane 6 directly and Pinkie sparked that little change that caused her to leave Mt Aris and recover Canterlot. Griffons? Gilda was the game changer (to some extent Gabby) but who came first for inspiring her? Rainbow Dash and Pinkie travelling to Griffonstone. 

The students might be the most obvious pick to complain but they are not the cause.....but a consequence of those redemptions that we had in the previous seasons before their introduction in S8.