thumbnail of dashfag watching the finale.gif
thumbnail of dashfag watching the finale.gif
dashfag watching the... gif
(1.11 MB, 882x660)
> it's troo boi 
okay okay, I believe you but I like having some proof of it, just in case.

> not sure I would go dat far but I have a whole lotta questions. 
considering that you have decided to watch the finale (probably the Last Problem and not The Ending of the End), everything will look to you like a surprising thing. 

Take my reply with seriousness or not but I have commented several times that Friendship is Magic has tons of lore and world building in it, the cast and the species have only increased since its debut and one can get a little bit if one doesn´t follow the full experience. This show isn´t as easy to follow as the average outsider might expect from this franchise (because they see it as girly so it implies that there are no complications nor twists nor anything interesting). Why do you think that we´ve discussed with a lot of paragraphs each episode?

Starting with the final episode....yeah, it seems like a good idea in order for introducing yourself to it, right? No wonder you have a lot of questions. 

You have picked a nice episode though.