> Thanks Bridgefag, thank you so much. Reviewing The Last Crusade was,well, an actual crusade for reviewing it because of that stupid noisy yet politically driven reactions from both parts.
Not only that, but Scootaloo's parents themselves were such a hard thing to judge.
> The comic,I simply didn´t pay attention to it nor it deserves to be seen on a high regard at all.
Though I have considered ananyling them to see how they fit into the lore and how they should be judged in context vs subtext, that probably is the best strategy. In a social media driven world ignoring can be the greatest act of defiance.
> He had fears towards the other species and while hippogriffs and griffons didn´t have reasons to be treated with those thoughts, his reasons can be justified because of the attack from the changelings in Canterlot, the dragons menacing the ponies in the Dragon Lord´s race or the yaks almost declaring the war to the mane 6 in Party Pooped
In universe they can certainly be. Though I need to check again and see how much they actually showed and hinted at his reasons within season 8.
> So that SJW propaganda isn´t all that clear to me and it opened more about topics like racism,bureaucracy and diplomacy come into the discussion, entering into grey areas.In the end, he didn´t aim that far except for excluding the "pony education" to the students.
As I said, I think he was easily conceived because of Trump but I'm not sure if his execution fits.
> like changing its name from The Fetlock-Fest to The Amity Ball is enough just to be noticed. I might not seem too severe, but it changes the tone of the shows world.
I think I may almost agree in this instance. But I hve no time for nuanced coments as another matter has arisen that needs y urgent attention