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>>/4856/ > Nothing in particular, just the general feel of some of the shows more recent episodes. considering that they have been changing the cast over the years, it comes to no surprise that the directions have been different but I don´t think that the change is all that radical. I am surprised that there have been comfy episodes like Going To Seed or She Talks To Angel as if all the events that have happened aren´t that much of a big deal. > The whole “everycreature” thing is only a symptom of that. She’s All Yak is a good example. While theirs nothing that’ll really jump out at you as propaganda, the way the main 6 constantly cuck for the student 6 and change certain aspects of the ball, like changing its name from The Fetlock-Fest to The Amity Ball is enough just to be noticed. I might not seem too severe, but it changes the tone of the shows world. it changes the tone indeed.....but the core spirit does not. Just because one can point out that expression and the characters repeat it constantly, it doesn´t mean that message or spirit changes at all. I have a theory that ponies have won two battles: the cultural and the diplomatic ones. Just because you get annoyed by that change of tone, it doesn´t mean that those characters are going to be all that different and at some point, they bring those old reminiscent vibes because of those lessons learned (despite the politically correct expressions used in the method). I haven´t watched She´s All Yak since it aired (and I probably should give it a try again) and it´s the only episode that I skipped at reviewing but let me tell you that it´s not even close to a low point of the series. The message introduced in that episode was that Yona was trying too hard to act and seem like a pony. The final lesson shows that she has to accept her condition of what she is. In the finale (that you have watched), you see that the rest of Equestria save the Mane 6 as if they are the same despite their differences. What makes them an unity is not what they are but the principles that they establish for their concord. You will say that this is politically correct for other species but let me tell you that ponies were isolated to their own as well in the first seasons.... I´ll let that sink in > I was actually pleasantly surprised by the finale, not enough for me to fully forgive the shows recent changes, but I have to admit that it was quite good. it was truly great. I mean, you don´t have to like everything and it´s alright that you show these complaints and offer criticism (I would be really bored that everyone had the same opinion as mine) but if there is something shown in the finale, it´s that the other species not only prove the order and respect mutually, but it shows that ponies (the mane 6 + Spike particularly, not even Celestia and Luna can attribute this to themselves) have had a method of unification. The finale proves that the student 6 were the prototype (a risky experiment) and the proof of finding harmony despite their differences but they all succumbed to Twilight´s lessons (verified and approved by both Neighsay and Starswirl), meaning that culture and the universal basic values are what show more power in the end, so much that in case of an emergency/menace, they all come to defend it as a return of improving their lives after ponies came into their territories and noticed the changes. The show has changed the tone yes, I won´t deny it at all, just that it´s become bigger and more expansive than just Ponyville,Canterlot and Cloudsdale. Why can´t I call it blatant propaganda? Because it goes progressively within its route, using universal messages and plausible situations that are diverse and vastly different. This is called Friendship is Magic for a reason and it´s no wonder that they decide to go that route.