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>  know that if I were the target age for this show I wouldn't have understood what was going on in that scene without explanation
wI had seen a couple of little kids trying to figure out what was going on while watching MLP The Movie 2017,imagine if they hadn´t seen the previous episode of that arc and watching the finale...

> It's pretty hard to believe that less ponies turned up for it when there was a relatively new princess taking part in it this time 
I believe that I have an explanation for this one. The reason why there aren´t as many ponies as one should consider is that....the first seasons used the copy and paste strategy so the backgrounds are filled with a huge crowd that is about as plain as sticker, zero personality to be found there (until the fanbase gave them a meaning/reason to exist and build a personality almost out of nowhere)

From season 4 onwards, they rely more on unique designs for those background/secondary characters, so this means that all the crowd consisted in less repeated ponies and more about unique characters that we have seen in the previous episodes. The ones celebrating that coronation are those who have actually met Twilight for all these seasons. You simply see characters that have been relevant instead of copying Lyra and Derpy´s design over and over with recolors. 

Those who have been there actually appreciate Twilight because they have known her. Combined with the exclusive designs  and treatments that the secondary characters have received, this means that there were no reasons to add ponies that weren´t actually involved with her. It feels more like a private celebration, open to everyone but those who are shown in the screen, are those that you have seen in the past.

> My old headcanon was that only pegiasi could travel quickly (Took them a day to get to Canterlot in MMMMmmmmmmmystery on the Friendship express, yet Celestia could travel on her Chariot, took at least a days to get to a place like Appolosa yet I-you know what, I'm too exhusted to post too much. point is Pegasus where mainly the only ones shown with quick travel with most locations still having a vague since of distance in earlier season.
headcanon denied. Hippogriffs flew all over the south of Equestria in the movie and reached Canterlot in less than a few hours. The only excuse that I can find from those inconsistencies is about the constant changes and perspectives towards the creative process of this show. It was really undefined and you could see that Twilight came and went flying from Ponyville to Canterlot and viceversa(Amending Fences, Princess Twilight Sparkle...) in a really short amount of time. The single episodes written for those plot didn´t have into account the distances´logic. Even the official map of 2017 doesn´t have a proportional distance (it doesn´t even show the hive nor the Kirin´s village), meaning that the stories can use it to their conveniences. The best way to define the lengths would be with an official video game that displays the entire map and the chance to travel through the entirety of it. 

Now that gen 4 is over, hopefully Hasbro releases an official map with all the updates and locations in it. It sounds redundant to have another one but I am still trying to figure out how far the changelings and the kirins are (mostly because they are relevant in the species term, but there are others like Rainbow´s Roadtrip village) 

> So my theory is that they had a mix of magitech, non magitech, and the disparity was explained by a underdeveloped transite system and a lack of mass commutation. Now? IDK, quick travel allows them to go seemly most places in a day and some of the tech can be too hard to rationalize existing together. It's like bioincle with villrgers in straw hunts having access to jetpacks. 
I think that we are giving too much credit to the writers because I don´t think they dealt with this subject all that much nor MLP was intended to build up an expansive world worthy for a RPG game.