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Twilight Sparkle's storyline in this felt pretty cookie cutter. Not her ascension so much as the beats that were hit; we saw all of this in the season premiere. A hopeless situation, the fall/destruction of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle freaking out. The Ending of The End in many ways just feels like a more epic version of The Beginning of The End, and both share a lot with season 4's final as well, along with to a lesser extent the premiere of that season (we don't have the elements now!). And while I have yet to fully judge the elements of harmony being taken out of the picture and Twilight facing reality on her own twice only to have rainbow friendship magic come save them at the end. It is something that I can draw critical lines at yet almost smile in amusement that it happened twice. I will say this though: if you'd ask me anywhere large amounts of fan service and a bonkers turn your brain off and just watch the homages and call backs, it is the final of FiM. Though I will say I see the premiere of this season in a  more critical light sans Discord for being so much like it. They really should've differentiated the too.

I'll get more into Twilight Sparkle though when I get to the Last Problem as that is a far better place to discus her character in depth.
 Just gonna keep posting one post at a time if a have to! Just wanted to note these little things before I dig deeper.