> you mean /mlp/. I wouldn´t say that /mlp/ is a person and everyone is a cuck over there (the difference between faggot and cuck is a stretch).
I just called it cuckchan because I was worried there was another /mlp/.
> what are your motivations to skip the last three episodes?
I was deeply upset by many of the decisions. It's troubled me, and to cope with it, I am writing it out.
> more like this looks like your first post in this board
Guilty as charged.
> One last question: are you reaching the completion in the near future or do you have plans to make it longer?
I'd say I'm about 70% done with it. I've been writing for 6 weeks or so, so that means a couple more weeks before I complete, most likely.
> another post towards your fic is that I am reading your latest ideas in your /mlp/ thread and apparently you are going to include Midnight Sparkle (or Mean Twilight). Why exactly? What´s the purpose of adding this character to a bunch of established ones? Does she have anything unique in comparison to the rest or something?
It's Mean Twilight, she's just decided to call herself Midnight Sparkle since she needs a separate name. I'm adding her back because a) Chrysalis kept her log around, implying she wanted to do something with her, b) the leaks implied she was going to be a member of the Legion of Doom, and c) I feel like she would have very interesting interactions with Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek.
> Also, I wanted to repeat my answer towards the cuckchan word but I am advising you of treating them with care because those "cucks" are probably going to have an influence towards your story and at some point, you will need their support for more ideas/motivations, not to mention that the "cuck"base has been your main core of consumers that support your idea/project.
> Take care of them. That´s what I try to express to you. It might sound harsh and somewhat delusional (probably giving them too much credit) but it´s the hand that enlivens the ambient and your decisions.
It wasn't meant to be an insult to them, just my clumsy attempt to fit into this board's culture.
> I think he is just following what he assumes to be the proper terminology around here.