> Been carefully considering my thoughts and working at my own pace.
nice. Although your thoughts seem to build a quite extensive review so I don't have a clear idea when I have to start with the replies. Nonetheless,there is no release date for them so as long as you are convinced with your own self about those episodes,the rest will come and go.
> why be nostalgic for something you are still part of?
I will fall into that nostalgic state later in my life when a cycle ends and get to move forward. However,I cannot feel that for now and I ask myself how I have been able (well,you or any fan) to have the patience and interest after 5 years.The impact is already much bigger than expected....but it will also hurt more than expected.
Anyway,you are right about that question.
> that's actually kind of funny... cue emo music
it is indeed.
Having said this,my reply is a PoLS in disguise.