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>>/4897/ > Though I'm going to get through with my ultra long review of the final first you are crafting a quite long one. My goodness when I get to reply to your entire thoughts. > This could be an interesting route to take because of reasons I feel that their could have been more to them which I go into detail here. >>/4894/ I haven´t given to the finale a second spin for judging it properly. I am going to risk a little bit myself and say yeah, the whole twist was kind of unexpected and the previous episodes about them didn´t seem to lead to that resolution so easily.This means that we´ve got more action, laserbeams and MLP going full DBZ mode for a few more minutes. However, I do have an argument to justify why they were villains, those connections of friendship were just a means to an end for taking the power. The lesson might not mean that the villains were dumb but more like power corrupts. The more you have, the more you want it to be bigger. There were points in the finale in which they could have cheated at each other and they were simply together because the bell offered the tools to conquer Equestria. I won´t defend all the writing decisions but notice how they are looking for their personal interests more than the fact of ruling together. This means that they have disobeyed Grogar´s advice because of their ambitions. In Grogar´s hideout, they had barely joints save for taking the power, therefore, if they had won, they wouldn´t stand each other all that much. Again, I have to watch it but your review points out a plausible vision of the writers making this finale with a Hollywood scheme for this finale. > I think he is just following what he assumes to be the proper terminology around here. we all know that terminology but he´s already confirmed it. >>/4901/ > he assumes we are 8/pone/ and not the strange child of a someone who just wanted to post pictures, a rough lurker, and our old BO who apparently had a /flutter/ mindset with this place and the former two were background users or lurkers. 3 users becoming passive fans to active ones with an alternate project. It´s really funny how in hindsight this statement is but this line right here shows the truth about its origins. Back then, I wanted to post pictures of seaponies actually and later in that January, I was running out of options so I had to add all kinds of images over time, picking a few rare ones that you wouldn´t see on /mlp/ very often.