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> I just called it cuckchan because I was worried there was another /mlp/.
you aren´t wrong. There is a /mlp/ board that exists in this site:

So you were assuming your expectations correctly because you can create any MLP themed board for different intentions (absolute freedom for anything). The problem is that you are posting in a strange board to begin with. Me and  >>/4897/ have been lurking on /mlp/ for years and we know how it works. If you want us to become more like /mlp/, we can do that at any moment but /endpone/ cannot replicate /mlp/ at all because the different circumstances prevent from that formula to succeed. 

By the way, this board had less than 300 posts back in December 2017 and it wasn´t located in the first page....I´ll leave it at that but I can explain more details about the backstory of this board during its 2nd phase (the first era takes from its creation until December 2017)

> I was deeply upset by many of the decisions. It's troubled me, and to cope with it, I am writing it out.
that a pretty respectable way to protest, not to mention that MLP is a franchise that has opened up to the fantasies of its own fans and the interpretations that you can take from the show itself. This reason alone might be a highlight to me and a huge factor why I could give The Last Problem a really high score.

Instead of making drama out of it, you offer a what if situation. Creating content instead of making clickbait dramas by opening threads on /mlp/.I don´t see the problem with your response considering that you want to build something instead of destroying.

> Guilty as charged.
it´s okay.

> I'm about 70% done with it.
That sounds nice.

> I've been writing for 6 weeks or so, so that means a couple more weeks before I complete, most likely.
considering the amount of words that you have written for it, it seems that you had watched the leaks, complained about it in those threads and appeal to those who were disenchanted with it. I had to avoid /mlp/ because of the final spoiler leaks until everything aired officially in the US.

It seems that you are quite advanced with it. Keep going!

> she's just decided to call herself Midnight Sparkle since she needs a separate name.
well, sounds sort of plausible considering that the show didn´t offer a proper name for her. I simply say that it might be confusing for those who have watched EQG, either it´s a reference to her dark side or the name simply matched for you and didn´t feel like an OC.

> Chrysalis kept her log around, implying she wanted to do something with her
> b she was going to be a member of the Legion of Doom
I cannot tell about the text leaks, I have avoided them as well mostly because a few ones could have been edited by random anons for their own convenience (even though they would be obvious).
What I can say is that you are backing up your project with legit elements (that log actually appeared in Frenemies when Chrysalis was talking to her own self alone in that room)and forging plausible situations from actual and derivative plans that the staff has released.  

> c) I feel like she would have very interesting interactions with Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek.
that´s up to the writer´s vision and your personal implications that you build up in your mind. Considering that the interactions between the characters involved in any story is what has made this show great, this aspect can turn into an appealing advantage depending on where you are trying to lead them in your timeline.

> It wasn't meant to be an insult to them, just my clumsy attempt to fit into this board's culture.
yeah, I noticed that.
We could turn into another version of /mlp/ at any single moment. Repeating the formula doesn´t require much energy and if we had done that, the board could have reached the 5 digits in terms of posts. 
If you want to fit into the board´s culture (maybe it´s not what you might expect for an imageboard of this kind), simply check the threads with the biggest amount of posts.