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I've been a lurker but not a regular poster, so I hope I haven't been too invasive. I didn't watch anything after episode 17 until today. I've just finished watching all that remained. The two parter (End of the End, if I recall correctly) was, and sorry for repeating myself, a lot of fun. My only real gripe is that I felt the music was way too goofy and lacked the gravity needed from the finale. I'd rate the two-parter as an 8 overall, second half would probably rate higher than the first though. I was somewhat surprised at the lack of emotional punch it had, until I realized it had all been saved for The Last Problem. I had kind of hoped from the title that they would do this one as a trivial problem, pre-alicorn era with the friendship journal and everything. Maybe that sounds stupid, but regardless, my disappointment didn't last long. It's somewhat embarrassing to say, but I doubt I'm alone in this: I cried a lot during this episode. It started earlier than expected in hindsight, the scene where Twilight sits alone in the empty library with the comic in front of her, her friends apparently uncaring of her concerns, cut quite close to some of my own personal experiences, so I was already pretty emotional when the last song started. They really knew how to deliver that final emotional kick with returning to Ponyville one last time. I know I'm rambling at this point, but what the heck, I won't really have a chance to do this again. I've only cried at fiction twice before: the BSG remake's finale, and the Babylon 5 finale, and this final episode absolutely knocked those two out of the park. I rate it 10 out of 10: it might not be the best possible ending to the show, but it was best ending for me. I still kind of think ending in season 3 would have worked, but with all the good that came with the bad afterward, overall I'm glad I got to enjoy this longer. No single piece of fiction has ever had as strong an effect on me and my life than this. >>/4874/ > ...though ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. clop is just not my thing. Sorry, I don't really have very many suitable images saved, they were all on my old computer.