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>>/4905/ > she only appears in one episode though. eeeyup > This is the prime pony board here from what I can tell with my power over carrots. any MLP board around here could become the prime pony board for Endchan (5000 posts is what one would post on /mlp/ in one single day). For Endchan standards, it has turned into the main one but if an organized fraction of fans posted in this site, they could reach this number in a pretty short period of time. In the meantime, it seems that /endpone/ has held the prime status, reaching the top 10 pretty often (even though /flutter/ has managed to reach the top 10 recently as well). > just don't mindless shitpost cuckchan or /pol/ style and you be okay /endpone/ has discussed deeply about politics. Not in the /pol/ style because it´s not worthy at all to be tense all the time and it consumed us after an entire month discussing about political topics almost all the time. After that month ended, I was asking for a break and we agreed to look for other things in the following months. > There is an evil version of the purple one? The Mean 6 (Season 8, Episode 13), only that episode with a little cameo of her log in the Frenemies episode (Season 9, Episode 8). It´s a quite dark episode and definitely not the most child-friendly that one outsider could expect from this show. Considering that you have watched the finale, you can expect these dark situations. > I saw only the final 3 eps with no context and don't consider myself to be fan but I am interested in this whole subversion of Friendship business with this Cozy character. Cozy Glow debuts in the 8th season so it´s one of the most recent characters added in the show along with the student 6. Her first episode is Marks for Affection (Season 08 Episode 12), makes a little appearance in S8 Episode 16 (Friendship University), then she reveals herself a little bit in What Lies Beneath (S8 Episode 22) and then, School Raze shows her actual plan (S8 Episodes 25 & 26). As for season 9, she appears for a couple of minutes in the Beginning of the End (S9 Ep 1 & 2) but her arc with Tirek and Chrysalis consists in two episodes: Frenemies (S9 Ep 8) and The Summer Sun Setback (S9 Episode 17). Her climax happens in the finale that you have watched (The Ending of the End S9 Eps 24 & 25). Don´t expect to see her at all in any of the 7 previous seasons. I am saying that on advance.