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> I've been a lurker but not a regular poster, so I hope I haven't been too invasive.

While this board has been largely of a personal nature sometimes in its history just composing of two anons having long meandering cover various topics, it's not an exclusive one. So no you aren't being invasive at all. Perfectly welcome here. 

> a lot of fun. My only real gripe is that. I'd rate the two-parter as an 8 overall

Indeed it was fun. Though I am still trying to work out my full thoughts, and think some storylines could have been done better overall from a season perspective I can't complain from the awesome movements and fan service done right.

>  I felt the music was way too goofy and lacked the gravity needed from the finale

>  I was somewhat surprised at the lack of emotional punch it had,

I'd say that final scene at Donut Joe's was pretty big one for me, but yeah, though the action was intense, I suppose you could make a good case that from a mechanical  perspective on all the elements being in thematic sync with each other Season 4's premiere moment with Nightmare Moon vs Celestia may have been stronger emotionally Notice how when Twilight thought Celestia had died the music was briefly gone? In service for a dramatic moment and done for just a brief period of time. Though I can recall times where I was struck by the acting and the fighting, I can't recall anytime where I considered the music/background ambience in the same way  wow I pay too much attention to elements 

> I had kind of hoped from the title that they would do this one as a trivial problem, pre-alicorn era with the friendship journal and everything. Maybe that sounds stupid, 

Nah, I could understand that desire  though do yo mean Friendship letters? 

> so I was already pretty emotional when the last song started. They really knew how to deliver that final emotional kick with returning to Ponyville one last time. I know I'm rambling at this point, but what the heck, I won't really have a chance to do this again. I've only cried at fiction twice before: the BSG remake's finale, and the Babylon 5 finale, and this final episode absolutely knocked those two out of the park. I rate it 10 out of 10: it might not be the best possible ending to the show, but it was best ending for me.

I feel more conflicted on it as an arc resolution, but in spite of my problems this episode did leave a feeling of completeness  and you were not alone in your tears  I have never seen Babylon 5 or the remake but this final had so much going on with it. In a way, we were a part of it's existence, so regardless of your thoughts on the show, one cannot help but feel a mix of pride at getting so far down the road and a shock that it's over. It can be a pretty intimate, haunting and frankly beautiful experience in a way that you couldn't feel simply watching a story unfold. 

> Sorry, I don't really have very many suitable images saved, they were all on my old computer.

Don't worry about it. I'm not going to ban it outright even with my personal distaste  because it'd be in conflict with this side of the fandom's nature and lead to idiotic division  Me and my fellow oldfag are currently working out how this place will be governed now that we seem not quite as alone on this little board, but this place ain't taking a tumblr route. (will be clarified shortly, like a few days).