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thumbnail of The Last Problem has won the poll 28-10-2019.jpg
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> I've been a lurker but not a regular poster, so I hope I haven't been too invasive. 
the question that comes up to my head by reading this line is not about the invasive part (dude, we are two people doing a personal alternate project and the third one has left this in summer sadly) but when you began to lurk over here. 

> I didn't watch anything after episode 17 until today. I've just finished watching all that remained. 
you made it, you ended the ride in the end. One cannot ask for more passion than that for this generation. Now, it´s all a matter of your own taste but at least, you have seen the last rays of this sunset with your own eyes have been rewarded for accomplishing this task.

> My only real gripe is that I felt the music was way too goofy and lacked the gravity needed from the finale
yeah, season 4 did this much better or even the premiere of this season in this regard.The action was really cool though.

> until I realized it had all been saved for The Last Problem. 
three parter finale or more like finale+ epilogue. Even though The Last Problem can be reviewed independently, The Ending of the End doesn´t have any pay off beyond beating the villains. 

> but I doubt I'm alone in this: I cried a lot during this episode. It started earlier than expected in hindsight, the scene where Twilight sits alone in the empty library with the comic in front of her, her friends apparently uncaring of her concerns, cut quite close to some of my own personal experiences, so I was already pretty emotional when the last song started. They really knew how to deliver that final emotional kick with returning to Ponyville one last time. I know I'm rambling at this point, but what the heck, I won't really have a chance to do this again. 
you know, reading these lines actually say a lot for a franchise. It´s hard to find words when one person arrives to these deep emotions that you don´t usually see very often. Those who have been watching the show for several years, stayed loyal to it, thought that it would never, it actually ends with this execution and with a message of: it´s time move on, it´s up to you to write the next book.  It means that you are a human and it hurts to close a beloved phase in your life. The emotional trigger can hurt a lot if taken to an extreme unfortunately, fearing about your own future...

Reading those lines are both haunting and really really charming. 

> it might not be the best possible ending to the show, but it was best ending for me.
I haven´t given it a 2nd try yet but I am feeling like it´s a true highlight for this season. 

I have good news for you, it might not be the best ending that one can consider.....but this poll shows that you are far from alone in those thoughts. It has won the EQD poll this week. 

> I still kind of think ending in season 3 would have worked
I disagree with this statement personally. In fact, Magical Mystery Cure feels sort of disappointing for the alicornification process (not the status but the build up was the problem for me), leaving it in a pretty low spot in terms of finales. The Last Problem was well deserved, has compiled the achievements and it was long time coming that Twilight was going to replace Celestia. The Last Problem beats MMC for me by a really really long mile. 

> but with all the good that came with the bad afterward, overall I'm glad I got to enjoy this longer. No single piece of fiction has ever had as strong an effect on me and my life than this.
amen to that, anon. Amen.