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and it makes sense as well that Luna gets her thread because the Canterlot Daily banner shows her with the bat wings and fangs, proper of a Bat Pony princess (despite not unfolding the usual bat wings to consider her as a bat pony, her pointed wings give her true nature away) . So yeah,the execution of said homage is properly correlated. 

> Now you are equal with your sister here.
we have been posting her more these last months than Celestia so it looks like a well deserved thread for special attention. Besides, both have gone through the same ending and the same fate together, one doesn´t go without the other. Two sides of the same coin.

> What is the night? A beautiful and yet lonely place. Haunting, untouched by the daytime activities of everypony going about there day. A time to reflect and be with one's self.
don´t think that many people bother with its core concept. Some use it as a method of escape of reality, by going to parties and  well, have mindless fun.
However, the sun won´t always shine for the entire day and the night marks the point of a passive mindset for daily activities and focuses more on varied stuff that we do while we are waiting for the next sunrise to come and begin all over again. 

The night leaves you naked because the visual references are gone and the sense of defenselessness arises in your whole body. However, as soon as homes/refuges were created, one fears of one self because the night leaves you a chance to think about yourself. While one stays at certain safe places, the psychological freedom scares the hell out of us.

I believe that this streak of posts is one of your best so far, mostly because the thoughts reflected are actually shown in the pictures for exposing such emotions/situations. Sure it can be seen as a spontaneous take on its concept, but only an introvert could ask those kinds of questions behind these simple actions.