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> Nah, I could understand that desire though do yo mean Friendship letters? 
I did say pre-alicorn era, so I guess I did. I don't really remember what I was thinking at the time, I could have meant either the letters or the journal. The general idea was something like the characters remembering a simple friendship lesson from back then that was pertinent to their new situation in some way, or something like that.
> the question that comes up to my head by reading this line is not about the invasive part (dude, we are two people doing a personal alternate project and the third one has left this in summer sadly) but when you began to lurk over here. 
I don't have a great memory, but I think it was sometime last year.
> Those who have been watching the show for several years, stayed loyal to it, thought that it would never, it actually ends with this execution and with a message of: it´s time move on, it´s up to you to write the next book.
I think it was an especially good message for kids, and was actually somewhat similar to to The Last Crusade earlier in the season. And in fact it was the topic common to both of those episodes that made that moment in the last episode so emotional for me, but The Last Crusade didn't really affect me. I think it's because Scootaloo's friends were with her the whole time, and they actively tried to stop the move. There wasn't a moment where Scootaloo felt that emptiness. I wish I had seen this last episode a long time ago, because I didn't deal with having to move to the other side of the country well. We moved in the middle of a school holiday, so I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends, and once we got there I didn't make any new ones. Even more than a decade later, and now and adult, I'm still miserable about having moved. So that moment where Twilight was alone in her empty library - I knew that feeling exactly, and it dug up a lot of old pain that I'd forgotten. Twilight has always been the pony I've identified with the most, but never moreso than then. 
> I haven´t given it a 2nd try yet but I am feeling like it´s a true highlight for this season.
> I have good news for you, it might not be the best ending that one can consider.....but this poll shows that you are far from alone in those thoughts. It has won the EQD poll this week. 
It doesn't totally surprise me, but I am surprised that there aren't more detractors. I guess it was better received than I thought.
> I disagree with this statement personally. In fact, Magical Mystery Cure feels sort of disappointing for the alicornification process (not the status but the build up was the problem for me), leaving it in a pretty low spot in terms of finales.
Like with the use of the word "pandering" earlier, I think I've completely miscommunicated what I mean. I always saw the season 3 finale as being a deliberate lead-in to season 4 (though having read your post perhaps I was wrong about that. back in early season 4 I still wasn't really reading show news and stuff, I was just into the fan content and the show itself without much interest in the meta back then) so what I meant was I think a different finale that actually satisfyingly closed the show, without any alicorn shenanigans or hat-pull problems or any of the baggage that came post-alicorn. Something like when Dolores beat Chrysalis, except with Twilight and her gang. 
> The Last Problem beats MMC for me by a really really long mile. 
I'm 100% in agreement. I was actually enjoying MMC until the Celestia and Alicorn reveal bits. I remember when I was watching it that I thought it would be really cool if there was a 4th season where it took place in this universe with the cutie marks messed up, and Twilight has to fix the world with her knowledge. It made sense to me at the time, feeling like a lot of the friendship issues has been resolved so having the world get wrecked accidentally by Twilight would re-introduce conflict. Anyway, there's other reasons why I hate MMC, but I won't get into that, the point is sorry for not explaining my point better.