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>>/5034/ So, what can I hold accountable to this episode? It's hard to say. Because I think a lot of what I have as a problem is more of stuff that should've been handled before this ep. I'm still a bit split on Cozy and the whole subversion of friendship, a lot of potential yet apparently they didn't even have a backstory for her, which just seems nuts to me considering how interesting of a concept she represented. Is that the episode's fault though? I mean, having too big of a villain story would have disrupted the final. Of any story to have the villains playing a fun roll of big baddies this is the one where it is most fitting. So it's perhaps something that should have been thought of long before. Another factor that is perhaps a stronger line of criticism is the season opener, which feels way too similar to this final. Perhaps even a more desperate situation than what they had faced here as Sombra actually was going around imposing mass mind control while here the populace for the most part still retained their anatomy and actually factored in the end. But is that something that I hold against the episode? Perhaps I can hold the fact that Twilight becoming demoralized and going off on her own only to be encouraged by her friends has been done. It almost feels kind of stupid for Twilight this season to be bemoaning the loss of the elements that they had already been removed once for the plot in season 4 and Twilight having a repeat of the elements where inside all along, something she learned in the second episode of the show and in the opener. I actually think I could muster a partial line of defense involving the fact that this is a very very scary situation and this is the moment that makes the most sense for Twily to be demoralized. Perhaps some writing on this end could be better but I'd say that this should be here and the opener should've been written a bit differently instead. See what I mean? Spent hours thinking on this. I almost want to say it's flawed yet almost perfect...