Donut Joe's... that last scene calling back all the way to season 1's final. I'm gonna have to partly take back what I said about an emotional punch, for this does have it for me, perhaps even bigger than the Last Problem (though it maybe in part because of that episode). It just calls back to a time when things were simpler for the show. I'm at a loss as to what to say here impart because from here on out my emotions go into a wild divergence in what is some of the strongest ambivalence I've ever felt. It just feels like that small simple world is shattered in a way. I don't like this scene, yet I love that it was here. I've been trying trying to split my emotion and see if there are any rational criticisms that I can muster and I can't. It's a beautiful scene. I'm not sure even if it's the scene itself that actually makes me so emotional with it. Part of it is from the obvious acknowledgment the show is ending though. There is a certain... pain with it all, but I'm not sure how to put it. Like I'm not sure it's the fact that it's ending on how it ended. I'll get more into that with the next and much harder review that will be The Last Problem. It's really strange as I feel a completeness and almost satisfaction as well there to and I do not what anypony to think my thoughts are purely negative. Maybe it's better to say that I love this scene but I don't enjoy it. Oh by the way, that scene is also my favorite scene... I just can't stand watching it!
7.5/10 This rating seems low doesn't it? Keep in mind that 7 for means satisfactory. It's just a compromise. This is based on the quality mixed with my enjoyment (hard to have fun for me with the stakes, so my fun levels on this are lower tier) yet in ways I adore this. I've wanted to give as high as an 8.7 to as low as a 6. I think I have settled to overall liking it but I've thought through several times and sometimes have radically different feel for things.