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> I think it was sometime last year.
then you could have probably left a random/spontaneous post here. It´s no wonder that you would go here considering that /endpone/ reached the first page by that point.

> in fact it was the topic common to both of those episodes that made that moment in the last episode so emotional for me, but The Last Crusade didn't really affect me. I think it's because Scootaloo's friends were with her the whole time, and they actively tried to stop the move. There wasn't a moment where Scootaloo felt that emptiness.
I have my reservations towards The Last Crusade but I can see the similarities between both episodes, that scene when all Scootaloo´s friends appeared felt like the CMC circle was coming to a close (even though the grown up episode happened later in the season). It tried to bring that feeling but Twilight´s one has more staying power because of the different circumstances. Even though that would be unfair, considering that the CMC are fillies and even with that factor, they have faced quite messed up situation in their path.

So yeah, I didn´t get that strong feeling either.

> didn't deal with having to move to the other side of the country well. We moved in the middle of a school holiday, so I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends, and once we got there I didn't make any new ones. Even more than a decade later, and now and adult, I'm still miserable about having moved. 

> that moment where Twilight was alone in her empty library - I knew that feeling exactly, and it dug up a lot of old pain that I'd forgotten.Twilight has always been the pony I've identified with the most, but never moreso than then. 

I am going to be honest, I didn´t expect (even though it´s on the nature of /endpone/) reading those words from your part in the first posts here. I understand pretty well that The Last Problem has shown those hard aspect of getting into a new phase and feeling helpless that everything will go sooner or later. It´s truly awful, challenging to accept and it might cause some irreversible changes.

I don´t know if I had mentioned before but there were a few fans out there who had anxiety from seeing this episode, causing an emotional trigger of losing someone or something that you cared for more years than expected. The famous 5 stages of grief could come into play and I read out there that those people needed genuine help. The finale was only a reminder or a medium to realize about their own lives and this is why this episode is really hard to review on its own: a lot of people can take really personal stories out of it.

I believe that the only other case that has caused this much of an impact could be Toy Story 3 this show was an experience, it reaches more personal levels to anyone, hence why you feel like that. 

I am fortunately too young but I am doomed at trying to avoid these situations, it will happen to me and anyone else.

If you don´t want to feel so bad, I don´t have almost any current friends from the school nor the secondary one (expect one or two that I met more outside of it than inside), I only had classmates that made my life really annoying. I went in reverse, the more I grew up, the more I appreciated my situation. Despite not moving at all from the town, I simply notice them but barely any interactions happen between those old mates and me. 

Despite not moving away, I mostly go to the capital city and sometimes for quite long periods, I stay there all day long, only coming back at nights. I met really shitty "friends/mates" and now, I don´t even know about their existence nor I care at all.

So, I´ve discovered a better life these days,in spite of those people that I met in the past, not because of them. And let me tell you, having one or two good ones is much more valuable than having a gang of 10 people in the long run (even though it feels like I am describing the Sweet and Smoky episode here)