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> I am surprised that there aren't more detractors. I guess it was better received than I thought.
Twilight has a beautiful design in this episode and the alicornhood isn´t anything new for us. The episode was really well written, material for bringing emotive discussions around it and closes the series with gags and a little story that add the cherry on top of the series. The fanbase might come up with a few dramas back and forth but Twilicorn had its hype in 2013. It wouldn´t make sense to expose that regret at this point.

When you get past of the superficial,one analyzes the aspects that matter. The Last Problem ended this series wonderfully and as I see it, it deserves to be cherished.

> the use of the word "pandering" earlier, I think I've completely miscommunicated what I mean.
fan pandering is hard to explain. I will try to answer it in my own way.
In theory, this show was meant to have 65 episodes, meaning that MMC was the actual finale for this series. From that change of direction, it´s heavily implied (with good reasons) that Hasbro kept going just to milk the franchise for more years,hence the episode didn´t feel really rewarding for such a change at the time (now,alicorns after seeing Flurry Heart or Cozy Glow aren´t that big of a deal, but at that time,it was). 

I would say that fan pandering is everything that wasn´t planned from the show.One could say Derpy,Slice of Life, the laser beam fights or getting to know more about the lore. 

However, I consider that the pandering in general was more about continuing a series that was meant to end before yet its steps felt natural for its own universe and even getting feedback from its own additions: Derpy got a job in the mail office, the new species had their own slice of life eps and the epic fights became a standard.

It´s no longer about pandering to the fans because it´s accepted by the show itself so fans could run out of wishlists, changing them over time.It´s more like the show panders to its own self, creating a weird spontaneous timeline that joins every single element that has had an impact on its universe. This is shown in some finales (like the 4th or 5th ones)when the writers implied that it could have been the last season for the generation. Fortunately, there isn´t that uncertainty anymore.

> I think a different finale that actually satisfyingly closed the show, without any alicorn shenanigans or hat-pull problems or any of the baggage that came post-alicorn.
yeah. You can see that it wraps up all the past characters or gags that were shown in the past, so it´s not like the conflict comes out of nowhere like MMC did for "reasons". You cannot find anything controversial in The Last Problem, because it´s mundane and didn´t require strange writing decisions for closing it.Purely slice of life