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> I was actually enjoying MMC until the Celestia and Alicorn reveal bits
I knew about her getting wings (I joined in 2014 so I saw images of her with the wings before) and I was really disappointed in its setup.I expected something of a greater scale but nope, just songs and a random spell, so it felt more anticlimatic than controversial

> it would be really cool if there was a 4th season where it took place in this universe with the cutie marks messed up, and Twilight has to fix the world with her knowledge.
> a lot of the friendship issues has been resolved so having the world get wrecked accidentally by Twilight would re-introduce conflict.
you got it with that episode. However, not even the writers cared that much about it and a cutie mark problem is almost like filling in the blank for its resolution, considering that they haven´t been all that consistent.Like magic,I find their concept really hard to take seriously,considering that any writer will find a random plot device with them but also twisting their concept during that episode,simply because it serves for their convenience in those 22 minutes

> there's other reasons why I hate MMC
> sorry for not explaining my point better
don´t worry 
and I can see that hate. It stacked up interesting elements and connected them in a really awkward manner and anyone can tell that the episode could have gone through very different directions with more layers of depth or genuine logic. But it was a musical episode with an important change (not so relevant after its hype) introduced in those short 22 minutes. The writing was rushed and the staff admitted it

The Last Problem really rewards the viewer and nothing that appears there comes out of nowhere. It´s built up from what we have seen and following a much less confusing formula. MMC tried to be really big and it felt disjointed while The Last Problem went into a simple direction for a really rewarding ending.