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> I was feeling a lot of emotion from the episode still and wanted to share that in some way. I didn't really think too much about how it was some of my first posts here since I was used to posting on 8chan's /pone/, and to some extent on /mlp/ and ponychan.
wow, so you have exposed yourself before adapting your way of shitposting in those boards,...I am certainly speechless. I don´t know how to reply to this but it seems that this thread has pulled that trigger inside you for that review.

> I don't have anyone who I can talk to about MLP, so I guess I just talked about how it affected me personally here. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to post about it on /mlp/, and I liked this thread, so I suppose that's why.
/mlp/´s discussion thread for the episodes only last one single day, so if you miss that Saturday, then it´s done, the discussion is not located anywhere except between the shitposts, forcing yourself to find any place to discuss something. The discussion for the leaked episodes have had a more laid back tone here because we agreed to do the complete opposite of /mlp/: instead of rushing the thoughts like /mlp/ did with the leaks in August (watching the episodes once and never coming back), the board decided to discuss them at its own pace, hence why I haven´t posted mine about the finale yet (waiting for Bridgefag´s thoughts to come first). Not to mention that we have other ideas, projects or other things in our lives. 

The tone feels calmer because no one needs this board nor it will become relevant for the fanbase,it´s an alternate project and we could come back to /mlp/ at anytime without any problem if it actually ends for whatever reason. You must have felt that as I read from your post.

> spending time with more than 2 people at once is something I have difficulty navigating, and in such situations I typically find that I am silent and withdrawn. 
are you me? really? Because I have felt that way especially in my childhood and teenage years. These days I can handle this aspect better but still have effects of that behavior sometimes. If you are describing me, you are nailing it blindly.

> I think that the issue for me was that the 3 friends I used to have were all people I'd met because our parents knew each other and we'd spent time together since we were toddlers. 
uff, you were used to having an inner circle among you three, implying that you might not have had interactions from outsiders or close connections to people out of your comfort zone. It´s no wonder that the slap that you would receive in the future would hurt more, most likely because of that mismatch. Now I get your context and I can see where that comes from (to an extent). Hopefully you recover from that lack of experience.

> You've written a very good response on fan-pandering. I was familiar with it
yeah and I´ve said that before in other posts. I could mentioned better examples or a better explanation but the concept of fan pandering is about as confusing as other aspects for the show. It´s not easy to figure out a consistent answer, keeping in mind that its concept is as dynamic as the weather for tomorrow. What could be fan pandering to you might be a disservice for others and without replying in relative terms,that´s my answer towards it. For gen 5 or future content,that vision can change though.