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> Were they justified in turning them to stone? Yes. Each one of them was still a threat and they had previously tried to deal with before. I think this was directly done do to how so many fans hated how everypony was getting redeemed left and right and I think it's 100% fitting for Tirek and 80% fitting for Crissy (because a redeemed Chrissy would certainly be interesting and have a lot to work with with how much hatred she holds and how long she has been a foe)
especially those who didn´t want Chrysalis redeemed because they wouldn´t stand her changedling design, losing all the appeal for her fans (some promised to flip the table if the staff did that). Her destiny wasn´t only written because of the writers (keep in mind that the writers were somewhat lost at what to do with her for a while) so even if canonically it´s less justified than Tirek, the fans didn´t want that route so I suppose it counts as a form of fanservice here. 

I won´t deny that the redemption route could have been interesting for her character but when her hypothetical design and its implications become more relevant for the consumers, then turning her into stone surely looks like a minor problem for their standards. Those who complain at the writers for turning her into a statue should have argued back in 2016 to her fans, not crying now all over it on Twitter or Derpibooru.

If someone wants to point when this all started and how her redemption rejected among the fans, you should look at this little fella (and his transformation) in pic related (who ironically got a couple of lines in the finale). 

> Cozy Glow is still a bit of a moral question but I think that goes back to season 8 when they locked her up in tartarus. They could have had her reject friendship and redemption better in season 8 or a another momenet in season 9. 
I would buy it to a very low percentage during season 8 but after seeing the finale, no fu*yay*ing way. Again, there are other villains for taking the route that you are thinking about but I am completely confident that Cozy Glow doesn´t fall into that category.

> They were fully justified in taking out a rough alicorn in that moment though.
oh thanks because there is no doubt about it at that point.

> We never really knew how she became evil and her full backstory and if these had been explored better we have better perspective and it would have felt more satisfying rather than the big question marks left over our heads with her.

> the incomplete exploration of the character and her ideology have caused some even so far as to view her as a martyr to a subverted truth on Equestria friendship is magic, but magic is power 
we might never know it and if the show went into that route, guess what you obtain from there? Dolores,Tempest and Trixie. Despite not knowing her context, there is one but important difference from the rest here: when she is given the chance to explain her action in School Raze, she outright rejects it consciously and proudly of her getting into the Tantabus. This means that even if we could find a personal motivation that could justify that messed up mindset, she wouldn´t facilitate it at all, answering to herself that she has no problems at all in that topic. That problem cannot be deployed to the table so one could point out the root of it. Either that or the writers didn´t think of this part for her purpose as a character.