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> I found the dynamic interesting with all the races separating. 
yeah and that setup surely fit for bringing back the Windigos, just like the story of Heart´s Warming Eve back in season 2. Reality surpasses fictional stories and this finale sure was clever at reincarnating it to this timeline.
> I remember that being a comon head canon early on where each of the races lived separately and just interacted/visited each other (Unicorns in Canterlot, Pegisi in Cloudsdale and Earth Ponies in POnyville). It strange after seeing all the stuff contradicting it to see a dynamic like that happen on screen. 
considering the huge amount of friendship lessons that were spread out, I suppose that some reactions never change and prove that ponies still hold that racism. And one would say that it is towards the other species but it is among themselves as well. However, as soon as they gained a little bit of morale, that mindset was removed.

> it almost feels wrong as, from a real world logic perspective, there would be those who'd still be completely tied to there communities.
this proves that only Ponyville is the closest case of finding harmony between them. Again, this show was supposed to be a pinkish world that is free of problems and it seems like it accomplishes all the ingredients for it....yet as soon as you dig a little bit deeper, there´s a lot of messed up stuff behind its innocent cover. Who would have guessed that ponies actually don´t get along all that well despite getting the proper education to avoid it and not even the entire continent applies it?
> But even from the logic of the show you'd think some of the ones who were family would've stayed (we did see Sugarmac) but I wouldn't think Bon Bon and Lyra would have split either. 
and where do they come from? Eeeeyup, Ponyville.The homeland of harmony....because thanks to the mane 6, they solidified this aspect more than anywhere else.

> This also sets up an interesting thought for other mixed families. Aw well, while there could've been a bit of more of nuance, they probably would've had the time to do more than a thrown away line or implication. Moderately irksome.
it´s a really flawed concept in their society that has a lot of potential to exploit and put more plot devices around the topic.

However, who were the exceptions to this rule, not only between derivative characteristics like a horn or a couple of wings, but having completely different bodies? Pic related. It sounds ironic that a few young students who are polar opposites on the surface get along with themselves better than ponies whose differences aren´t all that wide in comparison? An interesting topic to think about to say the least. 

> Did they do a good job with the set up? They at least had this implication with how the unicorns turned quickly at Crissy's suggestion that it was beneath them back in ep 17. There could have been more but it's I can find reasonable happening mostly offscreen with other plot points they had to tend to.
> We have some tiny background elements brought up more than once and actually somewhat matter (Like the fragments of chrissy's thrown) and others that seem slightly askew or DOA (What was the magic tree house for!?!?! Holo-Twi had a cameo...). It's honestly in the middle as I wouldn't call it awful but it isn't as smooth of an integration as Season 4 or 7.
again, only two episodes+ the finale were dedicated to the villains, there´s not much time for showing everything and you are correct that the sudden change of logic feels weird but I suppose that it happened off screen so the ambient would bring more momentum to the climax and more motivations for bringing the action and a plot device to reunite, in the end, all of Equestria for one single reason: picking Twilight´s side so they would reestablish the order.