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> Sure there have been a lot of mistakes but this generation has turned every little joke,reference or meme into something real and meaningful. The efforts, creative works and passion behind it's just worth to study.

I suppose there has been times when thy may hav done too much fanservice, or didn't do cool stuff because it wouldn't go with fans headcanons, but the fact that they even interacted, heck even reacted to us at all amazes me still. Not just that our fanworks and hype have birthed  characters and plotlines, but even the first references to 4chan memes and nerdom that appeared all the way back in season 2. We shouldn't have gotten such from the heartless corporate money machine on a small lesser network. The fact that the crew behide the show started to acknowledge was big enough, not to mention that Hasbro didn't smite them from such activies or us in general right in the early days. Now I suppose Hasbro saw an opportunity with having a teen/20 something alternative sub culture/fanbase, but Hasbro in all sanity should have treated us worse then they did. From clop to overly violate fan animations freely available online they should have stayed miles away from us. It's something that would seem like PR 101 for a company like that, least bare the wrath of the right wing christians groups and soccer moms and later on, SJWs. We would've been lucky if we just we ignored.

Now I suppose some would scream hasdrone at me for saying this. I'm not saying that Hasbro has been perfect or even very good in their treatme of us and I recognize that there primary goal is still to make money. But, man have we been lucky. Certainly worth the study.

> it's weird but me too. Accidents happen but that accident well,was just something we didn't look for yet,we've stuck with it so far. Hope that it doesn't get removed.

I hope not either. If this board ever gets compromised I suppose we could go to some other random dead ponyboard and start up shope there. Or if one of us has the time, set one up somewhere.