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... the show didn´t know what to do, hence my description of being undefined. How can you handle such a big wild audience that doesn´t actually know what it asks yet FiM has to deliver more of its own? All of this while taking it into account that those consumers were taking it too seriously for what it was.

This is where the show doesn´t simply becomes a simplistic entertainment but has to add more merits on its own. FiM got a voice in this decade because its fans were willing to listen to it after seeing how good it looked for them. That sense of serious business was transmitted to the show itself. One can notice the progression (yet organic) over the course of the seasons that the "fun" brought to this world didn´t come out of nowhere. 

FiM has received a chance that didn´t expect but had the obligation to become your fictional companionship over the years,growing at the same time that you do, becoming a part of you and asking to you that you shouldn´t leave it behind. It managed to grow up, change without removing its core spirit and, teaching a lesson or two? But to whom? Not only for the little girls but to those who care about it in general, becoming like a loyal partner that has a message to deliver while also getting an almost infinite variety of situations and problems. It went from a problem of picking a friend for the Gala (The Ticket Master) to giving an optimistic take yet implied situation of actual divorces that happen in real life (Surf and Or Turf). That´s a stretch.  The positiveness has stayed there but the standards have changed for its own self. It has embraced its conditions and broken barriers that weren´t meant to be applied to that world, yet it went further than those established limits. There is actually a tomorrow, something happens next. 

The vagueness at pretending to go somewhere but doesn´t know where it should go part of its charm. I said that it almost didn´t invent anything but this isn´t true. It managed to interact with its consumers and in the end, encouraging them  openly to write their stories freely. There isn´t a wrong way to fantasize about them and I have exposed the other moral for The Last Problem: it closes the book of its ride....but the show tells that you have the freedom to do absolutely anything for writing the next one. As flawed as it might be, the show has gone through imperfect situations and this was proven with the finale. The coronation ended up as they didn´t expect....but that also applies to the show as well and your story and experiences with. I haven´t seen such a free will lesson of that kind despite knowing how messy it can get. Because this experience was shared with the others but it was also personal, as if this show represented a friend that you never knew it was there before having a slight interest in it despite its girlish looks that other people truly fear.

And I admire that. FiM has used that unique opportunity to give you a lesson, not for those children but also to those who want a relief and an undefined exciting experience. The 4th has been seen as an endless ride that has ended and one of the reasons why it might not be of any interest for outsiders is that they have sadly missed it. Those who have lived it will remember it fondly but those who didn´t have missed part of a weird crazy experience that one cannot regret at all.