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Be gone from me fools. Maybe one day you will speak in a unified voice, or maybe you will finally learn that CHAOS reigns supreme upon all!
Maybe you will one day awaken and see that truth, until than leave me to my own devices.
I immediately withdrew my mind from the ruckus as I heard a couple of rebuttals being uttered.
I payed no mind to what they said. I was tiered of all the mental gymnastic and engaging them further might rob me of the small victory I had won after that first star had made me a fool. 
I turned my attention to the planet below. 
I felt a strange sense of emotion and power at work.
Within a few minutes the sun had moved back to where it was day on this side of the planet.
Luna had lost.
What a pity. Oh well, I won't be so foolish as to be vanquished by Celestia when I finally get there.
My thoughts did however turn to what they called the most powerful force in the universe, Love, or whatever they called various emotion magics that they and the ponies below tried to weave together into a coherent philosophy.
Such emotional magic seemed to be at work down below. 
It did make me feel ever so slightly interested in its power. If it had indeed taken out Luna.
Though it was nothing compared to me, it had very long time since I had felt such a display of power from the planet below.
Maybe things would soon be getting interesting again?