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>>/5170/ > Not off the top of my head but perhaps I'll tinker with it. alright, after all I have been mostly doing that as well. > Biggest problem with SFM is that it's mostly posing and lighting. You can't draw. Can't have your own style very easily unless you model your own stuff. So what my focus would be, other than just experimentation, would be to see if you can add a touch of something that gives it that touch. That'd be an idea. well, look at that, you have described the biggest merit that one can reach in this thread: giving an existent picture a unique character/attribute that didn´t have before. This is why one needs to test everything in order to go further. How does one check that? By simply testing, pure trial and error. Also, this hurts to say but in reality, I am not creative and I cannot be qualified as a creator. You give me a blank paper and my mind is asking me for something to be based on, combined with the fact that my drawing skills leave a lot to be desired (formally speaking). Also, you might be laughing out loud but I do not have a scanner (in 2019!, even though it´s due to the fact that I have never needed one yet), and my PC relatively speaking is a potato for today´s standards (AMD of 2013-14, 3.15 GB), despite getting optic fiber. I have tried to run the SFM program and it runs painfully slow. In short, it never rains but it pours (creatively speaking). > This luna image is based. Fav so far. Turned out almost a charming low polygon feel. that was one of the easiest out of the bunch, ironically enough. The Photo App of W10 has a filter for pixelating the images (even though you have to create a video first) and I simply cut it, made some adjustments and added the filter. Pic related is the original image. > They all look a bit better with the edits but the poses still look awkward. I knew from the start the poses looked like that and as I am big headed, as soon as the image clicks on my head for editing, it starts engineering something undefined. > Still, I could see value in edits maybe mixed media thing? I don´t know but as long as something from here ends up being more valuable or adds something else that didn´t offer before, it´s sufficient. If any masterpiece happens to occur here, it will be by accident.