1654498 edit png
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> I think adding new meanings, personal touches, etc. Could go somewhere beyond nowhere.
probably something can be done with that. One might have the tools but there has to be some room out there for expressing one self. The more I think about it, the more this looks like songs of electronic music to me. How can you express something with such a cold medium like technology.
> I've enjoyed your experimental and messing with obscure mid to lower tier art. Not telling ya to not keep yourself grounded but don't let "this isn't anything so I shouldn't even bothering" prevent your experimentation.
thanks for saying that advice.
About messing up with mid to lower tier art, why would one try to edit a great picture (a clear example: the Cosmos picture chosen for the OP in the NMAiE)? While it´s true that there have been great pictured edited because of several reasons: fun, curiousity, adjustment/filter tests..., editing a picture that not many people care about and has a low amount of likes or doesn´t express anything extraordinary, then that´s where one gets the absolute freedom to get to a different place that the original never did.
> I thought part of your Celly fic was 2019?
November 2018. Even though, I wrote for one night a few paragraphs that I felt writing at the time, that fic was posted last year. I believe that the Revolution fic that you wrote was also posted before ending the year. Creatively speaking, you have written all the important fics of this board for now.
> I think that a lot of things start as mixing than one can add your own and it can depart.
that´s true and then one builds up that unique aspect over time. Looking for something original is really complicated and while this has been said since ancient times (the phrase: "It´s all been done before"), one annot avoid to get influenced by something unconsciously.
> Liking mixing toddler shows with Star Trek...
John de Lancie must have enjoyed taking part in the ponified version of The Next Generation, repeating the same role as he did back in the 90s. The results of that mix: guaranteed entertainment almost all the times he appears in it.