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thumbnail of Twilight´s sleeping.jpg
Twilight´s sleeping jpg
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thumbnail of Twilight´s sleeping edit L23 (amcom).jpg
thumbnail of Twilight´s sleeping edit L23 (amcom).jpg
Twilight´s sleeping... jpg
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> You're talking about listening to a song over and over and over again while typing it right? I don't do it all the time but I have and my eariler days in the fandom I would write fragmented fanfics to one song all the time.(may have mentionned this before.)
eeeyup. Mostly because that gives the source of what one could write next (hence why the originality might lack from the "author").

You indeed said that statement before (you relied on the lyrics of song made by Rush for the Revolution fic).  The main problem with that technique is that...well, one writes according to the emotions and not with a solid base in its core (maybe it´s not explicitly the guilt coming from us but more like we are living in an era where relativism and the opinions count a lot for driving things forward). It´s almost as if one writes romantically and while the emotional bursts can express a lot, the consequences of breaking those standards could be overwhelmingly awkward. I am mostly incapable to find value in songs made for parties, so it implies that there won´t be many happy moments out there. Reading your stories, they feel similar in the philosophical regard but they are less visible because of the descriptions, relying on subtlety or questions that ask for unanswered implications. 

Listening to one song over and over while writing a fic, that happened with the Comforts of Darkness and that came because of listening to a heart-wrenching melancholic song and true story, crying while writing that part. There is some sort of magic when you listen to one song too much, it becomes a part of yourself for a while and you know it like the back of your hand. This leads to different paths: one is getting tired and move on or achieve an exclusive aspect out of it for you personally. 

and when you get the second case, it sadly happens when one is depressed or stays in isolation with it. 

> I actually prefer'em to the modern stuff. Easier to tinker with. 
not everything new is good nor all old stuff is bad. In the end, it depends on the needs and the preference that one person has. 

> Something that maybe required of ya in a university setting
not all the computers have W10 in my university. Sure some of them have 4GB of CPU and run smoothly but others have Windows XP or 7 and guess what? They have the grey IBM keyboards with that charming sound while pressing the buttons. 

Universities don´t need much else beyond that (there are some programs of calculation and analysis that improve the speed because of that) but it´s true that the better parts it has, the more it runs faster for routine tasks but we´ll arrive at one point where the speed won´t matter all that much and it´s mostly focused on the video game industry. Don´t get me wrong, the AMD that I have is great for using the internet or typical tasks but as soon as you test it with games that were released after the mid 2000s, you can say goodbye to run that with high specs. This is why I can barely run the SFM program on my own (like 6 or 7 fps and loading screens of a few minutes). 

> I primarily run different flavors of Linux on Laptops so I imagine my experience is vastly different from the needs of somebody who is trying to run the latest and the best on Windows 10.
yeah but you don´t need to bother about it. You know better about that than me. I have never tried a Linux even though it offers appealing options like using Tor, VPNs and editing it according to one´s personal tastes.