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thumbnail of for_the_hive first edit.jpg
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thumbnail of for_the_hive 2nd edit.jpg
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thumbnail of for_the_hive 3rd edit.jpg
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> you know what? Perhaps I'll try my own edit of it too. My first thoughts are simple stuff like coloring, but I may try something more ambitious...
alright, that  sounds interesting to say the least. 
I am posting the edits that I could have posted yesterday. However, there is one problem: there are three edits that I found appealing aesthetically speaking even two of them look really similar between each other. 

So, the plan is to expose them and you decide which one you like the most. Either that or giving some comments to get some feedback...

or better yet, go for the 4th option and edit it for yourselves and put the version(s) onto the table so the rest can judge it (I donĀ“t have the serial number but you have the original picture to apply whatever idea you have for it).