> Has this edit made it better? The changes that I notice here are: more blurriness and pixels, and turn that eyeless Luna into a vivid one by using sparks. 

It's better but only moderately so. I used GIMP's pixel filter. Which let's me control the size of the pixels  (maybe yours does too). Still I think I need to do a lot more before I'd call it good. Getting rid of the background and placing my own flat colors. To be fair to yours, it's still usable but it'd have to be an element of something else.

> Does it have any personal aspect from you? Yes, you edited a few pictures with huge sparks before and you have used the right proportions for this one. 

I'd say it's only slight touch but I suppose it does count. 

>  it has gone from looking like a badass to "Equestria, I´m CIA". 

More authority than toughness.

> hey, that´s not as bizarre as it sounds, one could compile a good gallery with Nightmare Moon looking like her opposite. However, the negative effect doesn´t always translate all that well.

I'd say it depends on if you could cut out Nightmare Moon from the rest of the drawing and just the negitive affect on her.

>  You edited a Cadence gif with the emboss filter and nailed it.

BTW this two  >>/5219/  >>/5209/ posts are not by me. I guess one of the lurkers. Thanks for the compliment though!

> yeah and I should listen to that advice from the stars more often 

Maybe now with two anons saying it it'll help get through.

> but I am like Cosmos in this regard 
