2229228 webm
(13.71 MB, 1280x720 vp8)
> For me, like I did last year >>/2888/, I am repeating myself like a scratched disk but I find this like the closest hymn that comes close to the concept of space and a distant message from a very different place.
Maybe not quite my style of music but man those backgroud vocals sure have a lot going on. Feels more than just simple background singing. I really kind of like it now.
> Merry Christmas to anyone who´s lurking! Thanks a lot Bridgefag and you too BO!
Merry Christmas and Happy Heartswarming to all! A special thanks to L23, more than just a causal /endpone/ user, and BO enteral honorary BO of this board. Thanks even to the lurkers and to 5050 who has silently followed us along for the a good bit of the rid and is more than welcome to join in To even the people we have briefly bumped into, from 8/pone/ and from elsewhere.