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so you are 5050...let´s reply to it:

> It definitely did. The reviews in this thread reminded me of how significant the show has been in my life, and I wanted to commemorate it's end somehow. Aside from that it's just a really good thread. 
damn, well there aren´t expectations to cause such feelings like those. Sure some posts are written with a bare mindset and heartfelt in an sporadic way, just that I didn´t imagine that someone would reach this far and trigger such feelings for others. As for the show ending, I mean, who wouldn´t commemorate it? I didn´t know how to review it and it ended up more as an appreciation for FiM in general. Watching that episode (especially when it released for the first time) was hard and it´s food for feels without being sad in its core.

> I'm more used to the pace of smaller *chans to boot, so keeping up with a 4chan board is hard enough without trying to post on it too.
well, I´ve known /mlp/ since late 2014 and I must say that they are going pretty slow relatively speaking, at a rhythm of 10k posts, your thread could fall in less than two hours in its peaks of activity. Since 2016, the generals have been very easy to keep up and bump constantly. But yeah, in terms of show discussion, it´s mostly scarce and the threads dedicated to the show are either clickbait for annoying "insert X group of anons" or any excuse to complain about it.  

8kun has come back so I guess that you have that medium as well but the /8pone/ community has to notice it and make a few efforts in order to stay active again.  As for this place, thanks for saying that this is a good thread but keep in mind, these reviews have only come from a Spanish person whose vocabulary isn´t all that big and a Texan, both former lurkers. No magic whatsoever nor wizardry. Sometimes, we used additional points of discussion as an excuse to talk about something different and keep ourselves entertained but that´s it. If you like that, that´s great honestly. 

> I think that's why it's great, even if not a huge amount of people read it like /mlp/.
we have been discussing a few times if /endpone/ should be like /mlp/ and the conclusion was that...if you have /mlp/ and want more of /mlp/, this board wouldn´t make much sense when the average fan would go for the faster board first. We accepted our circumstances, we decided to take our time, review the episodes with the rhythm that we could follow at that time and expanding the discussion of each episode before entering into the next one. 

And I don´t know who has been reading this honestly nor I set up my mind for that too much. I know that you do because you have written it here, otherwise I wouldn´t know if someone else actually did.  At the end of the day, this has turned out to work more as a personal public chat than anything else, not to mention that I expect lees than nothing because at anytime, this thread (and this goes for the board in general) could have become a huge mess of shitposts or spam, but it has received a few reviews worthy to discuss or think about for a while. So yeah, that was accomplished.