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> It's always a bit complicated figuring out personal failings since often you're not sure you'd even be the same person without them, but thanks.
I guess that someone takes a lesson or becomes  a different person because of that kind. Anyway,you are welcome.

> Fan service/pandering in gen 4 was a double-edged sword, I think.
very. The term changes constantly and it relies on desires that supposedly come from an "homogeneous" community when their views might not be shared or all that popular during a certain period (watch out, it doesn´t always stay consistent in those wishes). So how is the show pandering to anyone? I suppose that for example, making Derpy appear on the show more times could count but, at what point does she become an integrated part of it when her appearance feels no longer special to the fans? 

> On the one hand, the fans generally like it and it gives an extra layer to the humor.
well, that works for quick gags, memes or a carefree background (almost secondary) character like Derpy but a part of FiM relies on comedy so those layers, like you say, serves as that extra layer as the cherry on top of the cake.

> On the other, it smothers that original, sincere and earnest approach the show had early on when it wasn't as self-aware. 
yeah, like Pinkie rapping out of nowhere or going full meta with Fame and Misfortune. It feels somewhat corrupted or out of place. It truly depends on each case and how it flows among the rest of the elements for that episode. 

> Though fan-pandering in the later seasons didn't completely ruin it, I think if they want gen 5 to be good they need to ensure there's no fan-pandering this time around, however.
I don´t know. I wouldn´t discard it considering that Hasbro knows the audience who actually watches it. The fan pandering has become more subtle or...a plot device if taken further (The Perfect Pear). When you integrate that gimmick, then you expect it and I applaud the series for getting away with those risks and then, going back with the same spirit all over again. But anyway, most fan-pandering has turned around the lore, the world or the characters. Frenemies was the ultimate fan pandering that one fan of villains could wish for. Cheese Sandwich in Pinkie Pride was a fan favorite but what if he came back for a second episode? The Last Laugh becomes less special the 2nd time Weird Al gets featured and the episode has to offer something else other than his presence and so, the slice of life spirit comes back in order to justify that desire. Just like Trixie coming back in season 6.

Fan pandering always requires specific examples (I would suggest to go for specific topics and then, digging them deeper for what they are for each case) and it´s damn hard to generalize it without finding holes in the statements (my own) but yeah, I feel that seasons 8 and 9 have slowed down that trend of showing fan pandering directly to your face and more relying on subtlety for introducing it (except maybe Twilight´s Seven but even that episode advanced the Twilight´s arc), not to mention that my thoughts about these seasons (at the time) are here.